Publisher's Synopsis
Excerpt from The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1770
H E year we treat of, afforded mul matter for Hifiory, and perhaps [i more for Speculation. Though fruitful great and extraordinary events, it Teemed threaten more than it exprefsly told. A w which defolated a great part of Europe, all might in its confequences have affected t political l'yfiem of the whole, appeared at tl time, as little more than a fecondary objeet confideration. Battles and fieges, the del'tru tion of armies and ?eets, and the ruin countries, howcr difiant the fccne of aetic would, in times of Iels bufinefs and impo ance, have nearly fuperl'eded all other mattl and have been eonfidered as the only objee that demanded the care of the Writer, or tel claimed the attention of the Public.
Forgotten Books; 2018. Paperback. Brand new book. Classic Reprint Series. This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. ISBN: 9780259250227
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