Publisher's Synopsis
The RHS A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants is the most comprehensive detailed and lavishly illustrated guide to garden plants ever published. With authoritative coverage of over 15 000 ornamental plants accompanied by more than 6 000 full-colour photographs it is destined to become the essential reference work for all gardeners and horticulturists.Easy to UsePlants are arranged alphabetically by their botanical names for fast straightforward access. All names have been brought completely up to date and previous names and common names appear as cross-references throughout. Thus any plant can be speedily identified even if the current botanical name is unfamiliar or not known.In Depth Profiles Detailed plant profiles prepared by an international team of over 40 expert contributors describe growth habit leaf and flower anatomy plant height and spread geographical origin and hardiness. A concise introduction to each genus provides essential details of botanical family native habitat number of species and the ornamental qualities for which the plants are grown together with succinct advice on hardiness cultivation and pruning.Unique PhotographySpecially commissioned photographs closely integrated with the plant descriptions capture the beauty of over 6 000 plants at the peak of condition. The full diversity of growth habits within a genus is shown wherever possible and special close-up panels illustrate the often spectacular ranges of flower colours and shapes.Fully Informative A comprehensive introduction and glossary guide beginners and experienced gardeners alike to a greater knowledge and understanding of the key elements of plant classification anatomy and cultivation.
Dorling Kindersley, 1997. Hardcover, very good - see photograph. Pre-owned. ISBN:
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SKU: 100889
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